Accounting and CPA firms are embracing marketing more than ever before. Why? Because the modern marketing mix is proving to deliver dramatic and yes, measurable results.

This blog will show you how a top accounting/CPA firm deploys thought-leadership content marketing via Internet and social media to drive sales leads.

Two additional blogs in this series give you more information on accounting/CPA firm marketing including Accounting and CPA Firm Marketing Best Practices,  and a marketing case study for a leading accounting technology value-added reseller (VAR). Click Read More below to view this complete marketing case study.


Armanino McKenna is the largest accounting firm in California, ranked 35 in the United States by Accounting Today. Armanino Consulting is the technology services division, and 8th largest value-added reseller (VAR). After acquiring AccessTek, a Chicago-based VAR, Armanino Consulting seeks to build awareness and drive sales for technology services in the west and midwest regions.


Modern Marketing Partners created a new, search-optimized website with deep content. Thought leadership was implemented through the establishment of the Cloud Accounting Institute, an active blog, and social media profiles including LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Free publicity, industry studies, webcast events and speaking engagements round out the VAR marketing program.


Prior to acquisition, AccessTek was recognized as a top Intacct VAR in both 2011 and 2012, realizing double-digit sales growth. More importantly, the new Armanino Consulting enjoys a deal pipeline loaded for months in advance.

AccessTek Marketing Case Study

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