Marketing Definitions Archives | Modern Marketing Partners B2B Digital Marketing Agency Fri, 08 Nov 2019 11:14:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Marketing Definitions Archives | Modern Marketing Partners 32 32 Top 10 Digital Marketing Transformation Buzzwords for 2020 Fri, 08 Nov 2019 11:14:38 +0000 Digital Marketing Transformation or DMT is a hot topic as marketing evolves from traditional strategy and tactics, to digital marketing that can be tested, measured, optimized and reported with new tools and technologies. To help understand DMT better, the experts (nerds) at Modern Marketing Partners researched and developed a comprehensive Digital Marketing Transformation Glossary of […]

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Digital Marketing Transformation or DMT is a hot topic as marketing evolves from traditional strategy and tactics, to digital marketing that can be tested, measured, optimized and reported with new tools and technologies.

To help understand DMT better, the experts (nerds) at Modern Marketing Partners researched and developed a comprehensive Digital Marketing Transformation Glossary of Terms.

Next, we used the Google Algorithm to identify keyword search volume of these terms which leads to the Top 10 Digital Marketing Transformation Buzzwords for 2020, that every marketer and business professional should know and understand.

Download the complete Digital Marketing Transformation Glossary of Terms here: 

Top 10 Digital Marketing Transformation Buzzwords for 2020


With 450,000 average monthly searches on Google, HTTPS ranks first on our list of top DMT buzzwords. HTTPS is an acronym for Hypertext Transport Protocol Secure which provides security services for transaction confidentiality, authenticity and integrity between HTTP servers and clients for web browsers and can be seen in the domain line of a website. HTTPS is now a search engine ranking factor.

2. CRM

Customer Relationship Management or CRM ranks second with 175,000 monthly searches on Google. CRM is the term used for the way a business collects and manages data about its clients. Companies use CRM software to keep track of all the information they collect on clients, such as service calls made, or previous products purchased. This helps businesses close future deals and grow relationships with customers.

3. Analytics

Analytics ranks third with 165,000 monthly searches on Google. Analytics is a catch-all term for a wide variety of different business intelligence (BI), and application-related initiatives. Analytics is the process of analyzing information for a particular domain, such as website analytics. Or Analytics is applying the breadth of BI capabilities to a specific content area (e.g. service, sales, supply chain, etc.). Often BI vendors use the “analytics” term to differentiate their product from competitors. Whichever the use case, “analytics” is used to describe statistical and mathematical data analysis that clusters, scores, segments, and predicts scenarios. While Analytics use started with IT professionals, interest has grown to include accounting/finance, operations, marketing, and others.

4. Mobile

This may be a general term, but for marketing specific, it ranks fourth with a search volume at 155,000 monthly. A mobile responsive design is when a website, email or App is displayed on a mobile device and it automatically adjusts it’s sizing, layout, and proportions to display in a legible manner on the device. Mobile web design is also a search engine ranking factor.

5. Social Media

Social media along with social media marketing ranks fifth with 150,500 searches on Google. A form of Internet marketing that utilizes social networking websites as a marketing tool. The goal of SMM is to produce content that users will share with their social network to help a company increase brand exposure and broaden customer reach.

6. SEO

Search engine optimization or SEO ties for sixth with 135,000 average Google search each month.  SEO is the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the website appears high in the search rankings or position in a search engine results page (SERP). SEO includes both on-page and off-page techniques.

7. Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality or VR ties for sixth with SEO, with 135,000 monthly searches on Google. An artificial environment that is created with software and presented to the user in such a way that the user suspends belief and accepts it as a real environment. of tasks along with its sequence.

8. Artificial Intelligence

AI ranks eighth with an average of 110,000 searches monthly. Software or “apps” that are capable of intelligent behavior. AI involves simulating a number of capabilities, including reasoning, learning, problem solving, perception, and knowledge representation. Chatbots are a simple form of AI.

9. Ecommerce

Making the Top 10 Digital Marketing Transformation Buzzwords for 2020 is Ecommerce, ranking ninth, with 90,500 monthly searches on Google. Ecommerce is defined as commercial transactions conducted electronically on the Internet.

10.  KPIs

Rounding out of the Top 10 Digital Marketing Transformation Buzzwords for 2020 is Key Performance Indicators or KPIs, with 90,000 monthly searches on Google. KPIs are quantifiable measures used to evaluate the success of a business, organization, entity, employee, etc., in meeting objectives for performance. Examples of marketing KPIs might include website traffic, or registration form fills.

Have a suggestion for a Digital Marketing Transformation term? Please submit via the Modern Marketing Partners contact form here.

Please download the complete Digital Marketing Transformation Glossary of Terms here:

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Content Marketing Definitions, Tips, and Strategies Sat, 03 Nov 2012 22:21:32 +0000 Content marketing is a critical element to marketing firms. There is a lot of hype around the subject, and also varying definitions. This post will share some content marketing definitions from around the web. Then, we will provide 5 content marketing tips and 7 strategies for 2013. What is Content Marketing? Content marketing is a […]

The post Content Marketing Definitions, Tips, and Strategies appeared first on Modern Marketing Partners.

Content marketing is a critical element to marketing firms. There is a lot of hype around the subject, and also varying definitions. This post will share some content marketing definitions from around the web. Then, we will provide 5 content marketing tips and 7 strategies for 2013.

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a hot topic in the marketing world today. So what is it?

Here are some definitions of content marketing from around the web:

“A marketing technique of creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action.” (Content Marketing Institute)

“Using any type of content (newsletters, blog posts, white papers, videos, Tweets, podcasts, wall posts) to attract an audience you wish to market to. Capturing their attention through great content gives you the opportunity to present calls-to-action to them to purchase or try your product or service.” (Social Media Explorer)

“Content marketing could be defined as a pull rather than push marketing process that resides on owned or earned media, which makes people aware of how to solve their problems, with the ultimate goal to attract, acquire, and engage a clearly defined and understood target audience.” (Search Engine Journal)

“Storytelling for sales.” (Pushing Social)

“Content Marketing means creating and sharing valuable free content to attract and convert prospects into customers, and customers into repeat buyers. The type of content you share is closely related to what you sell; in other words, you’re educating people so that they know, like, and trust you enough to do business with you.” (Copyblogger)

“The creation and distribution of educational and/or compelling content in multiple formats to attract and/or retain customers. Having excellent content to post on websites, blogs, or social media channels is essential. Not only does content build search authority, but it reinforces thought leadership and brand positioning.” (Modern Marketing Partners)

How do YOU define content marketing? Let us know in the comment box below.

5 Content Marketing Tips

Now that you have a better understanding of what content marketing is, you can get started on your content marketing program. Thanks to Paul Gillin from BtoB for the five tips below! For more detail on the tips below read: Five Tips to Rev Up Your Content Marketing Program.

  1. Get your audience motivated – Understanding basic psychographic needs allows you to grab your customers attention with content that hits them in the gut, not just in the spreadsheet.
  2. Provide useful, relevant content – the content bottom line for a b2b audience is usefulness. Don’t forget that the goal of a content marketing program is to empower, not just sell.
  3. Connect content to your sales initiatives – match every piece of content to a key stage of the sales funnel (ex: awareness, consideration, purchase, etc.). Knowing which stage of the funnel you are addressing assists in focusing content at the outset and helps to avoid duplication and information gaps.
  4. Develop an editorial/content calendar – create a master schedule of all of the topics you will cover in a year and the delivery vehicles for each of those topics. Make sure every topic is on the calendar and you plan for a good variety of delivery vehicles (ex: blogs, newsletters, etc.)
  5. Have a keyword strategy and communicate it – determine the keywords customers are using to find your content. Then, boil those down to a manageable list and make sure that list is communicated to ALL of your contributors. Determine optimal frequency and placement.

7 Content Marketing Strategies for 2013

Are you beginning to plan for 2013? You’re in luck. Joe Pulizzi, from the Content Marketing Institute, recently shared 7 Content Marketing Strategies for 2013 at the BMA Chicago Luncheon this fall. Below we share his list and invite you to read them in detail here.

  1. Watch “Content 2020” from Coca-Cola
  2. Develop your content marketing mission statement
  3. A new mindset: becoming the leading informational provider for your niche
  4. Utility is key
  5. Define and answer your customers’ questions
  6. Employee involvement in content marketing
  7. Co-creation

Check Out The Other Blogs In Our Content Marketing Series:

Content Marketing Types

Content Marketing Measurement

Content Marketing – Survey Results

Please bookmark, share, and comment with your own content marketing tips below!


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Marketing Definitions – A Glossary for the Modern Marketer Sat, 08 Sep 2012 14:47:50 +0000 With marketing changing more rapidly than ever before, it’s time to re-evaluate the marketing terms and definitions used everyday by practitioners. Which marketing definitions are most relevant in today’s marketing departments and agencies? Which marketing terms are used regularly? What traditional marketing terms are still being used, and what are some of the new terms used by […]

The post Marketing Definitions – A Glossary for the Modern Marketer appeared first on Modern Marketing Partners.

With marketing changing more rapidly than ever before, it’s time to re-evaluate the marketing terms and definitions used everyday by practitioners. Which marketing definitions are most relevant in today’s marketing departments and agencies? Which marketing terms are used regularly? What traditional marketing terms are still being used, and what are some of the new terms used by modern marketers?

Now you can download a comprehensive 40-page glossary of modern marketing definitions.

After many hours of research, Modern Marketing Partners (MMP) came up with likely the most complete glossary of modern marketing definitions, and made it available for download, free of charge. MMP hopes that this new marketing glossary generates discussions on industry terms and fosters new ones.

The 40-page Glossary of Modern Marketing Definitions is organized by major marketing categories, with definitions listed alphabetically including:

  • Advertising
  • Branding
  • Direct Marketing
  • Internet Marketing
  • Market Research
  • Pricing
  • Product Development
  • Public Relations
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Social Media

You can download the Marketing Definitions Glossary here. Let us know your thoughts on the glossary, including any marketing terms you would like to add.

“We are pleasantly surprised about all the interest in the glossary,” states Neil Brown, Partner and Chief Marketing Officer for Modern Marketing Partners. “The popularity reinforces our how exciting marketing is today, and how marketers strive to keep pace.”

Please share this with others who are interested in marketing and are curious to see which marketing definitions are most relevant today. Of course, please share your additions in the comment box below! What marketing definitions are relevant to you?

The post Marketing Definitions – A Glossary for the Modern Marketer appeared first on Modern Marketing Partners.

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