LinkedIn Marketing Archives | Modern Marketing Partners B2B Digital Marketing Agency Wed, 01 Dec 2021 17:22:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 LinkedIn Marketing Archives | Modern Marketing Partners 32 32 4 Tips For Creating Better Video Ads On LinkedIn In 2021 Wed, 01 Dec 2021 17:22:11 +0000 Video ads are special. Great video ads are delightful; with sound, sight, and motion, they can attract an audience’s attention. Brands can use videos on LinkedIn to reach a huge, engaged, and professional audience. With over 740 million members on LinkedIn, it is best to utilize this feature for your business. You may want to […]

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Video ads are special. Great video ads are delightful; with sound, sight, and motion, they can attract an audience’s attention. Brands can use videos on LinkedIn to reach a huge, engaged, and professional audience. With over 740 million members on LinkedIn, it is best to utilize this feature for your business.

You may want to know what a great video ad looks like. Are the videos long or short? Do they have captions? A research was conducted with over 500 hours of analysis and over 3500 ads. Furthermore, after using automation and human processing methods, the research categorizes video ads into 38 categories. The categories include type, style, and production. Furthermore, the researchers compared the video ads categories with ad performance using metrics like view-through rate (VTR), cost per view/click (CPV, CPC), and click-through (CTR).

Although you can outsource your ads to a LinkedIn advertising agency at, some tips can help you create great video ads on LinkedIn based on the research. Fortunately, this article discusses the tips. Kindly read along for more information.

#1 – Including A Demo And An Offer

People search LinkedIn daily with the hope of learning about several brands and products. Through the research, it has been found that product demos have high performance, especially in engagement, video completion, and click-through rates. Therefore, LinkedIn provides an opportunity for showing off your product.

Also, including an offer is best. Usually, audiences watch a video until the end to see an offer regardless of its duration. The research further showed a 1.2× average video completion rate for ads that include offers, promotions, or deals. Additionally, ads with an offer in their headlines had an 8% higher completion rate.

When creating your next video ad, you must record a quick demo of your product. You can even show off the unboxing of a physical product. Afterward, use offers like “first month free” and “$100 off with code” to incentivize the ad.

#2 – Animating Your Video Ad

It is safe to say that everyone has a favorite animated movie or show. Research shows that animated video ads on LinkedIn also capture an audience’s attention. Worldwide, audiences have a positive response towards ads with animation. You can use motion graphics in telling your brand story and demonstrating your product or service.

When compared to the benchmarks, ads with motion graphics have more impressive performance gains. Also, compared to the standard CTR benchmarks for video ads, ads with motion graphics have a 3% increase in CTR.

When creating your video ads, you can add animated sizzle by working with a digital agency or using an online tool like Biteable

#3 – Using Captions And Keeping The Audio Simple

There are several essential components of a video ad, including audio. Research shows some interesting facts about the use of audio and captions.

When creating video ads, it is best to use a single audio source. The audio source could be a musical track or a simple narration. Using multi-track audio – voice-over and a track can reduce a video’s engagement and completion rate.

Another finding from the research suggests using captions or subtitles in video ads. Also, 79% of videos on the LinkedIn feed are watched with the sound switched off. Using captions in the same language as the audio can increase your audience’s social action

When creating your video ads, it is advisable to think like a silent film director. Ask yourself if your video ad communicates without having sound. It would be best to communicate your key messages using captions or type animation visually

#4 – Keeping Your Copy Short And Adding A CTA Button

Your video can do the work for you. Using long descriptions or introductory text of more than 4 to 5 lines for your videos can result in worse performance metrics. Your copy should ideally be between 100 and 150 characters. Using minimal copy and short descriptions allow your video ad to be the growth engine

When creating video ads, bear in mind that short, snappy copy works best. Your copy should be a maximum of three lines, ensuring you pass the key point across in the first two lines of text. Usually, the “see more” link is triggered after the first two lines of text, reducing engagement by 7%.


Video ads are ideal for reaching your target audience, keeping them engaged. The ads combine sound, sight, and motion to reach your audience. Apart from reaching your target audience, your video ads should aim at having a high engagement, completion, and click-through rate.

Research shows that you can maximize your LinkedIn video ads by including a demo and offer, Animating the video ad, and using captions. Keeping the audio simple, using a short copy, and adding a CTA button will also get you closer to your desired results.

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Top Mistakes People Make With LinkedIn Marketing Tue, 07 Sep 2021 11:55:04 +0000 When you think about social media marketing, you may believe you can take a universal approach to its use. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and even YouTube tend to offer similar marketing methods to make your job just a little bit easier. However, LinkedIn can be different, as you’re appealing to a different audience in many respects. […]

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Social Media MarketingWhen you think about social media marketing, you may believe you can take a universal approach to its use. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and even YouTube tend to offer similar marketing methods to make your job just a little bit easier.

However, LinkedIn can be different, as you’re appealing to a different audience in many respects. If you have not taken the time to gain an in-depth understanding of how LinkedIn works, you may be at risk of making some of the following mistakes:

Failure to Check in Daily

To benefit from quality lead generation on LinkedIn, it’s important to log into your account daily to connect with those around you and build lasting relationships. Publish updates on what you’re doing, accept any connection requests, and reply to any messages you’ve received. If you are currently running ads to generate leads, checking in on these campaigns can be important, as well. If you don’t have a CRM set up to export leads automatically, you will need to do this manually.

Not Optimizing Your Account

There is more to being the best B2B marketer you can be than making sure you’re nurturing new leads and posting updates. You also need to make sure your LinkedIn account is optimized.

This can involve ensuring you have a professional profile picture of at least 250 x 250 pixels, a customized banner, an in-depth skills section, experience levels, and more. The stronger your profile, the easier you will be able to move from the profile level of ‘beginner’ to ‘all star.’

Posting Irrelevant Content

Many people make the mistake of using LinkedIn as they would Facebook. While the two are both posting platforms, LinkedIn undoubtedly has more of a business theme. Keep this in mind when you’re thinking about sharing potentially irrelevant content.

For example, if your business focuses on brand identity, most of your page content likely revolves around logos, product names, and corporate identities. When you start sharing information on looking after goldfish because it’s your hobby, your credibility and engagement may take a hit.


Promotion is a significant part of LinkedIn, but it’s not all the platform is for. If you overpromote your business, you risk pushing away potential customers who get tired of seeing your repetitive marketing practices.

Many marketing experts recommend the 80-20 rule regarding self-promotion. 80% of the time, you can provide interesting related information about your industry, with the remaining 20% dedicated to promoting your products and services.

Not Taking Advantage of LinkedIn Marketing Tools

Even though spending money on social media can cut into your profits, there can be value in upgrading from standard membership to premium on LinkedIn. When you do, you can take advantage of many premium tools that may aid with lead generation.

For example, you can send messages to people you haven’t connected with and use the email-finding browser extension. A small monthly investment may have a significant impact.

No one ever sets out to make mistakes when using social media platforms for lead generation. However, a lack of research and insight into each platform’s unique interaction options can mean they happen more often than you’d like. By being aware of these mistakes above, you may be in a better position to avoid them.

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LinkedIn Events – How to Use This Well-Hidden Feature Wed, 04 Dec 2019 20:47:45 +0000 A few months back when cleaning out my invites, I saw a section on the “My Network” tab of the LinkedIn app called “Events.” Well, it’s been a few months and much to my surprise, I haven’t seen anyone use these. With thousands of adoring fans connections hanging on every word of my George R.R. […]

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A few months back when cleaning out my invites, I saw a section on the “My Network” tab of the LinkedIn app called “Events.”

Well, it’s been a few months and much to my surprise, I haven’t seen anyone use these.

With thousands of adoring fans connections hanging on every word of my George R.R. Martin-esque agency-side publishing schedule (I swear, my follow-up to “Benjamin Franklin—The Father of Content Marketing?” is coming), I would expect at least one person to send me a webcast invite.

But no. No webcasts. Not even an MLM pitch. Shocking.

At first, I had a moment of self-awareness. Maybe I have an inflated sense of self? No. That can’t be it. Every person pitching their guest blog loves “unspecified article.” Of course someone wants me at their event.

Well-Hidden and Barely Talked About: LinkedIn Events

So I did a bit of digging, only to find out that the ability to create a “LinkedIn Event” is well-hidden. Don’t believe me? Head over to LinkedIn and look at the left-hand column between “Groups” and “Followed Hashtags.” That’s the only place you’ll find the feature.

Where Can You Find the LinkedIn Events Tab?

Added to this, most search results will share how to promote an event on LinkedIn, but few are in place to discuss LinkedIn Events.

What Are LinkedIn Events?

Like Facebook’s events, LinkedIn Events are a way to connect in real life with others. Per LinkedIn:

The LinkedIn Events feature provides members with an easy way to create and join professional events that interest them. This feature helps grow active, professional communities by building authentic, face-to-face relationships. LinkedIn members can use the feature to connect online with other members so they can meet them offline in a professional capacity.

LinkedIn summed up this feature in minute-long video.

Notably, the fanfare is summed up perfectly too—at time of publish, the video has less than 2,000 views.

It’s a Reboot—If You Knew about it the First Time

Did you know that on November 26, 2012, LinkedIn shut down events? Neither did I. Apparently, LinkedIn Events version 1.0 launched in 2008, was quietly cancelled in 2012, and was just as “well-known” as it is today. LinkedIn-Makeover’s Donna Serdula summed up the 2012 cancellation perfectly:

“[…] there will be two reactions to this… There was a LinkedIn Events application? [or] NO WAY!!!!! I LOVED LINKEDIN EVENTS!”

From what I can tell, the initial edition was like cult classic TV shows Twin Peaks or The Tick, loved by an incredibly limited audience, cancelled before its time, and recently rebooted.

How-To: Create an Event on LinkedIn

So now that you learned that LinkedIn Events are a thing and what they are supposed to do, let’s dig into the ‘how.’ Before you get started, you will need to have the following information.

  • Logo Image (1:1 Aspect Ratio, 400px x 400px)
  • Cover Image (4:1 Aspect Ratio, 1776px x 444px)
  • Event Name (Required)
  • Location (Required)
  • Venue Details
  • Date and Time, Time Zone
  • Description (Required)
  • Link to the Ticketing/Registration Website
  • Public Event or Private
    • Public: Anyone can view the event and choose to attend.
    • Private: Only invitees or people with the event link can view. Non-invitees need your approval to attend.

To show step-by-step instructions, I’ve volunteered to help our friends at the Construction Marketing Association to promote their 2020 Construction Marketing Outlook Webcast.


Go to the LinkedIn Homepage. From the Interest panel on the left rail, click the Plus icon next to Events.

How to Create a LinkedIn Event

A “Create Event” overlay will appear. Fill out information.

Create a LinkedIn Event on Desktop

Click “Create.” You will be redirected to the event page. For more information, head down to the “promote a LinkedIn Event” section below.

Android and iOS Devices

In addition, you can just as easily create the event using an Android or iOS device. To create an event:

  1. Tap your profile picture in the home screen.
  2. In the panel that appears, scroll down to the Eventssection and tap  Create Event.
  3. In the pop-up window that appears, enter the required information in the fields provided.
  4. Tap CREATE.

A few notes. First, LinkedIn has mentioned that the functionality “is being rolled out” and you may not yet have access to this. Second, these events are created through your personal profile, though you can share the link to public events.

How-To: Manage and Promote Your LinkedIn Event

Once the event is created, you can see and access the event from the left side of the LinkedIn homepage.

How to Access Your Created LinkedIn Event

On the Event page, you have a variety of options to set your attendees for success.

Invite Attendees:

Privately invite your first-degree connections. Easily search by name or filter by company, location, industry, or school.

Share Your Event

From the Event page, you can easily share the event with your connections.

How to share your linkedin event with connections

Additionally, you can copy and paste the link and share this event using your company page or share to your groups.

Keep Attendees up to Date

Like Groups, you can post updates for attendees including links, posts, videos, and documents. Simply click “start a conversation in this event” and publish like you normally would.

Success in Social: Test and Improve

Whether you’re an event marketer or simply looking to promote your webcast, LinkedIn Events are just one of the many options you have to improve your social media engagement and outreach. Never stop testing and you’ll never stop improving.

One more note: Don’t get too spammy with LinkedIn Events. You know others will.

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